These are the pictures I took when I got my new Camera
I only took it with me on two random walks
I will try to use it more often
The Canadian Parliament and Library
Freedom tower (bell tower on the left)
Main library hall (on the right)
Picture Taken from the Parliament Park
Nothing New Here
Frontside view of the Parliament
This is what it looks like on a less sunny day
The Locks of the Rideau Canal
The Dutch Embassy
This is where I work, On the 20th floor
In the Constitution Building
Because the Embassy is in an office building there is no Dutch flag
But dont worry, plenty of Dutch stuff can be found around town
This is near Parliament Hill,
A part of the embassy is occupied with this kind of stuff
The view from my office,
Not too bad
And I am only the intern.
My Office,
No, just kidding,
The office of the Leader of the Liberal party
My Couch Surfing Host gave me a tour of parliament
If you want to visit Ottawa
I recommend this Hotel (and start saving up)
It is a modern Castle, so nice, warm comfy and wireless contected.